Poison Ivy Gulch Saddles Up (our first book) is now for sale!! You can get digital copies on DriveThru Comics and on Payhip! Want a physical copy? Please email us at poisonivygulch(at)aol(dot)com for ordering info and pricing!
Original art is for sale!
Select Poison Ivy Gulch comic strips are available starting at 50 US dollars and up! Buyers must also pay for shipping and if you live outside the United States, you may be responsible for any duties or taxes. (Buyers within the US state of North Dakota must pay sales tax.) If you are interested, please email me at poisonivygulch(at)aol(dot)com with the date of the strip you want. As a disclaimer, not all strips are available (I’ve sold a handful) and I do reserve the right to not sell select trips.
Original art is also for sale! (All images on Deviantart)
Anyone interested in purchasing the above art can reach me through DeviantArt or by email at poisonivygulch(at)aol(dot)com.