I have some good news and I have some bad news; it is regarding the Kickstarter for our first book Poison Ivy Gulch Saddles Up.

First, the bad news…and believe me, this was a tough decision to make. The Kickstarter has to be delayed until Wednesday June 8; it will run for thirty days until late night on Friday July 8. This decision is something beyond our control. The Kickstarter was submitted for review & approval late night on Saturday May 21, 2022. As of this writing on May 30, 2022, it is still awaiting approval. Kickstarter staff was notified and they currently have a backlog of submissions. If all goes well, the project should be approved before this week ends.

Now for the good news: this gives more time to prepare for the Kickstarter, work out the promotion plan and to ready the rewards. There will be milestone bonuses as well as a returning backer bonus and an extra reward to all backers if we can hit a certain number of followers on the pre-launch page.

We launch on Wednesday morning June 8, 2022! Get ready!

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